

We Are Waggers

The Warren Township Waggers 4H Dog Club got it's name in 1998. The club generally met in the spring and summer months outdoors to help children 3rd grade and older who were enrolled in the 4H Dog Obedience Program.

In 2004 we began to meet at the Marion County Fairgrounds and were therefore able to practice even when it rained. Club usually meets weekly and addresses the disciplines of obedience, showmanship and agility as well as general dog related education.

Parents of the children often stay for the 2 hours of instruction and learn right along side the rest of us. Educated parents then become a valuable tool in reinforcing the good habits that we learn at club.

The leaders are certified by the Marion County Extension Office as 4H Volunteers. Generally speaking the leaders are people who share a love for that special bond between an animal and child and are willing to nurture that through the 4H Dog Project Program. Recognizing the importance of good citizenship of both people and their animals, these volunteers come alongside and instruct the child, who then instructs the dog.

Together, leaders, children, parents and the dogs all become a "pack"; a tight family group. We learn and problem solve together. No one of us "knows it all"; but what we don't know gives us the opportunity to find out together!

IN_4H_dog : Calendar

IN_4H_dog : Calendar