

FORMS DEADLINE Thurs. May 15th

It's VERY important that you turn in your 4H forms this week to Ellen so that she can get them to the Extension Officer for the May 15th Deadline!!

Dean Johns, our township extension agent will be collecting the forms in person this Thursday night. So if you have any other questions for her, then would be a good time for you to ask.

By now, you should have turned in a 2008 4-H Dog Vaccination Form to Ellen, with proper signatures, Ellen keeps a copy and the original is yours to keep with you in your ShowBucket/Bag. You should keep it with your gear so that it is always handy. You may not show without it!! So I advise keeping it in your gear in a large ziploc or page protector.

The other form that is due THIS Thursday is the Pre-Registration for the Marion County 4H Dog Show. If you do not fill out this simply form and turn it in on time, you cannot place at the Marion County Fair on July 26th!! You might be able to show, but it would be for "exhibition only" and you will not "place".

If you have registered in 4H this year, you should have already received these forms, but if you need another copy they will be available at the club meeting.

Should you have any questions in this regard, you may contact me at or 317-351-9503.