

Meet Mary

Hi everyone!

My name is Mary Myers. I am SO excited to join the Warren Waggers!

I grew up in Lafayette, participating in the 4H dog program (among MANY other projects!) in Tippecanoe County! When I "aged out", I stayed with the Tippecanoe County dog club as a leader, focusing mainly on showmanship. After I graduated from Ivy Tech, I got a wonderful job offer in Austin, Texas. My husband Kyle and I lived there for nearly two years, and then we moved to Hampton, Virginia for family events.

In January, we returned to our home state of Indiana! I am very glad to be home. I am now a student at IUPUI majoring in Pre-veterinary Biology. This fall, I will be applying to Purdue's Vet School. It's been my lifelong dream, and I cannot believe it's happening. Hopefully I will start vet school in 2011.

In addition to being a student, I'm involved with dogs both professionally and personally. I have six (Yep SIX!) dogs. I have 5 Pointers (sometimes called "English Pointers", but their breed name really is just Pointer) and one pomeranian/sheltie mix. Her name is Gidget, and she runs the house. She's 12 years old. I've had her since she was 4 months old, and she was my first dog I showed in 4H. She's incredibly smart and I took her through 6A obedience and three years of agility. My Pointers are all show dogs, but do "work" also. They are trained to hunt birds in the field. Some are therapy dogs, some are trained for obedience, and some even do agility. I have 3 show champions and 1 who has a hunting title (one of my dogs has even been to the Westminster dog show!). I don't just show my dogs! I am a professional handler also. That means I show other people's dogs in conformation (which is almost like showmanship).

I look forward to meeting all of you and having a GREAT 4H season! If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to e-mail me. ( I will get back to you as quickly as possible! I can't wait to see everyone! Good luck, and hug your dogs!

Mary Myers

Mary and Maverick

Mary is currently going through the process to become a registered 4-H Volunteer Leader and will be joining us at our regular meetings in May.


Know Your Dog

(Click on image to enlarge) One of the things that we strive to do in Warren Waggers 4-H Dog Club is to help you to know your dog better. Today we will be looking at the different body parts of your dogs. I am posting a copy of an illustration from your 4-H Wiggles and Wags Handbook here for you to be able to help memorize the body parts on a dog.


Here is a list of all kinds of dog equipment that you may be using as you train your dog in while doing the 4-H Dog Project. You will NOT need ALL of this. But you should keep what you need to go with you in a show bucket or bag. I personally like a bucket with the handle : ) Carry only what you will need. KEEP your equipment in the bucket when you are not using it and it shouldn't get lost . Then when it's time to practice or leave on a trip, everything is in one place.


VET FORM - you must have proof that your dog's required shot's are up to date. If you have not yet done so please visit your vet to have them complete your 4-H Vet Form. A new form is required every year.
LEASHES -6 FOOT leather or nylon, chain leash, retractable, martingale
COLLARS - TRAINING (choke chain), flat (agility), household collar, showmanship

TREATS- (small) string cheese, "sausage" pressed (ask Ellen), hot dog, pellets or cookies. Most important is that is something special that your dog will love and that it is easily carried, given and consumed. Only treat when rewarding for successes. A Ziploc or treat dispenser to carry treats in.

PICK-UP KIT - Poop bags or Ziploc baggies, and some paper towels or napkins.
Toys squeeky, jack, kong, bone, rope, frisbee

Grooming - any kind you use, curry, paddle brush, rubber brush, T-comb single, T- comb double coat, any grooming spray or perfume. Toe nail clippers or file.
First Aide Kit (optional) few bandages and whatever else
Advanced Training: Dumbell, Scent Articles
Clicker (if used)
Hand Sanitizer (good idea)
WATER - In a well-sealed bottle, & bowl to drink from or reusable glad containter.
VET FORM - ALWAYS HAVE IT (put it in a large ziploc or page protector.
Armband for Show Number (optional)

CHAIR- camp or folding chairs if not at site.
NOTEBOOK: Paper, pen, calendar
DRINK: waterbottle, juice or whatever. Plus any snack if you need it.
MONEY: If you are going to another show, it's always good to have a little $.

NOW.... What's in YOUR bucket? (or bag)


Youth Leaders - Club Officers

At the last meeting of Warren Waggers 4-H Dog Club the youth members of the club voted on club officers. The elected officers are as follows:

President - Shelby Trees
Vice Pres. - Kiersten Tuggle
Secretary - Matthew Uhrig
Treasurer - Mackenzie Carr
Sgt. of Arms - James Reed
Hospitality - Melissa Miller
Historian - Erin Lego

Congratulations to you all! Thank you for offering to serve the club by performing the duties of your office. Now, let's have a great year.


Complete your Online Marion County 4-H Enrollment at:
After enrolling online be sure to print, sign and mail to the address indicated BEFORE May 15th to be able to show at the county fair.

About Warren Waggers 4H Dog Club Dog Club

Our club meets Thursday eves at the Marion County Fairgrounds Exposition Hall 6:30 - 8 pm (April-June) with additional times added by club calendar.

2010 Dog Vet Forms, State Fair Forms, and other Dog Forms at:
County Fair Registration and State Fair Registration are both due July 1, 2010 at their respective places.

Marion County Dog Committee Chair: Sue Barlow:

We focus solely on: Obedience, Showmanship, Agility, Poster and other information. We are open to all enrolled Marion County 4H members grade 3 and above.

Bring to Club:
Completed Vet Form - MUST have all required shots up to date

Your Dog - healthy, clean, and not "in season".
He or she is your partner, so work and play with them throughout the week to have the best experiences.

Your Show Bucket/Bag should include at minimum:
Appropriate collars:
OBEDIENCE- training color (slip chain);
SHOWMANSHIP - Martingale Show Lead;
AGILITY- flat collar with NO tags.
6 Foot leather or nylon leash.
Dog Mess Kit: p/u after your dog
Training treats -
Dog water bowl
water or snacks for yourself

Yourself - be accountable to someone when you can't make a meeting :-D
Be sure to be wearing sneakers. No flip flops, crocs or such. Safety and movement first.
Please dress casually, but modestly.

If you have any questions please contact
Warren Waggers 4-H Dog Club Leader,
Ellen Spencer 317-351-9503 Home or email



Club Officers for our Waggers 4-H Dog Club will be tallied this Thursday at club.
If you have a conflict and cannot attend club, OR if you just wish to vote before club time you may do so by emailing your choices to before 1 p.m. on Thursday.

Each clubber will receive one ballot and should vote for a person to hold one office. In other words, do not vote for the same person to hold more than one office. Of course it is acceptable for you to vote for yourself in the position you'd most like to accept.

Here is a brief description of the offices and their responsibilities.

President- regularly runs meetings.
Start meeting on time & run according to schedule.

Vice-president- assists president, lead pledges. Recruit demonstrations.

Secretary- takes attendance, announces calendar events, notes "meeting summary". Gets familiar with paperwork filing of the club papers (Ellen will oversee that part).

Treasurer- keeps monetary record, reminds people of money related items. Adult help will be provided.

Sergeant of Arms- facilities: set up & clean up. Chairs, tables, flags, posters, handouts, etc.

Hospitality- welcome guests and coordinate any refreshments. Make sure we have hand sanitizer, napkins, plates, cups, etc. Recruit volunteers and give reminders.

Historian- create/keep scrapbook; use a three ringed binder to keep a record of our year. Be creative with photos, fliers, notes (secretary can help). It is important to be neat and as complete as possible, as this record will stay with the club for future reference to history.
As an officer it is important to come to club early if possible so that you are ready to fulfill your duties. You will be a representative of what it is to be responsible young 4-H leader. So be a good example not only to our club, but to others you meet. My goal is to be at club at 6 p.m. so you can arrive anytime after that. That is also a good time to come to club early if any clubber has need for additional information (like missed previous week).

Don't worry about uncertainties of your office. As a club leader I will make sure you are equipped and help you in any way possible. You will get the hang of it, develop skills as you serve in your office and be good at it. :-)

As officer you are chiefly responsible for your duties, however --- you may ask for help from others. One of the greatest characteristics about our club is the willingness of fellow clubbers and even adults to offer help. Just ask for help when you need it, or offer it when you have it to give.

I am very excited about our 2010 Warren Waggers 4-H Club Year.
Now vote for who you believe to best fulfill the office.
We will announce the results at the end of club on Thursday (4-15).


President: Shelby Trees, Erin Lego,

Vice President: Kiersten Tuggle, Melissa Miller, Allissa Arnold

Secretary: Matthew Uhrig, James Reed

Treasurer: James Reed , Mackenzie Carr , Shelby Trees

Sgt. of Arms: Erin Lego, Shelby Trees, James Reed

Hospitality: Melissa Miller, Shelby Trees, Kiersten Tuggle, Shelby Cleek, Erin Lego, James Reed

Historian: Shelby Trees, Erin Lego, Melissa Miller

If you are voting early send your ballot selections to
BEFORE 1 P.M. of this Thursday.

Can My Dog Come?

"Can my dog come to dog club?" That is a question that I have been asked repeatedly. Here is the answer.

In order for your dog to attend our Warren Waggers 4-H Dog Club the following must be true:

* the clubber is (or is in the process of getting) registered as a 4-H member with Marion County. NEW MEMBERS need to leave their dog at home for at least their first meeting.

* the animal is healthy: Current on required vaccinations (you need to be able to prove it with vet papers, so keep a copy of papers with you), dog is not "in season", and mustn't show fleas or other communicable malady. Returning members may utilize last years vet paper for first few meetings IF shots are still current to allow for vet visit. Please have current year 4-H Vaccination Form completed & signed by your vet by May 15! 

* Dog's age - the animal will be at least six months old at show time. Dogs under one year must not jump in agility. 

* Dog's Behavior - a dog that the leaders deem as a danger to any other person or animal may not attend club. Dogs which have excessively disruptive behavior may be pulled aside for additional behavioral training.

There you have it. I hope that helps make it clear for you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.



Let's Get Started
It is once again time for our Warren Waggers 4H Dog Club Kickoff meeting. This year we will still be meeting at the Marion County Fairgrounds in Indianapolis, Indiana. However, we will be holding our meetings in a different building. We will be meeting in the Commercial Building.

How do you get there?
Enter the fairgrounds from the main gate (SW corner) drive up the far West drive all the way onto the main West-East road. Continue on that to the far East end of the grounds. The Commercial building is located South of the Poultry building and East of the little fairgrounds Office building.

This initial meeting will be: Thursday, April 8th, 2010 6:30 PM - 8 PM in the Commercial Building.


We will be continuing our meetings at the same time weekly with a couple of date exception which will be shown on the calendar.

Share the Fun
Feel free to introduce your friends to the possibility of joining 4-H and maybe our club by inviting them to join us. Participants will have to be in 3rd to 12th grade of school, and their dog will need to be healthy, an not "in season", and must be current on vaccinations before it can come to club meetings (here is a form which your veterinarian needs to sign).

Questions: Just post a "comment" below.

WHERE's The Marion County Fairgrounds

The Marion County Fairgrounds is located in the Southeast corner of Marion County near the intersection of I-465 and I-74.

Marion County Fairgrounds
7300 E. Troy Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46239
Click here for interactive Mapquest map!


Our Warren Waggers 4H Dog Club is focused on the Dog Project however we are more than happy to help you enroll in Marion County Indiana 4-H. This year the process has become more streamlined with the introduction of the option to enroll electronically. I encourage all of you who sign up for the dog project to also sign up for the dog poster as the two projects work well together and will be easy for you to do as you learn more about being a responsible dog owner/handler.
This from the Marion County Extension Office:

We are happy to see that so many of our 4-H families are responding to our on-line enrollment system. We think giving them the option this year to enroll either electronically or with the traditional paper method is making it very easy for new and existing members to sign up.

It's hard to believe that we're already into our first full week of April and our Marion County fair enrollment deadline is coming up next month. We want to make sure every family understands that while they can enroll in 4-H at any time over the course of the year, if they wish to enter their projects in the fair they need to enroll by May 15. Can you please assist us in getting the word out to your 4-H families that it's time for them to send in their enrollments? They can visit and click on "Enroll in 4-H" to begin the process. As leaders you also have the capability from the site to click on the "Forms" tab and print out enrollment forms for those club members without computer access.

So, if you would like to enroll in 4-H in Marion County, just click that link above and then on the Green Link that looks like this >>Click here to ENROLL IN 4-H
and follow the detailed instructions including the printing and signing part. This enrollment process needs to be completed by May 15th, 2010 to be able to show in the Marion County Fair.