

Meet Mary

Hi everyone!

My name is Mary Myers. I am SO excited to join the Warren Waggers!

I grew up in Lafayette, participating in the 4H dog program (among MANY other projects!) in Tippecanoe County! When I "aged out", I stayed with the Tippecanoe County dog club as a leader, focusing mainly on showmanship. After I graduated from Ivy Tech, I got a wonderful job offer in Austin, Texas. My husband Kyle and I lived there for nearly two years, and then we moved to Hampton, Virginia for family events.

In January, we returned to our home state of Indiana! I am very glad to be home. I am now a student at IUPUI majoring in Pre-veterinary Biology. This fall, I will be applying to Purdue's Vet School. It's been my lifelong dream, and I cannot believe it's happening. Hopefully I will start vet school in 2011.

In addition to being a student, I'm involved with dogs both professionally and personally. I have six (Yep SIX!) dogs. I have 5 Pointers (sometimes called "English Pointers", but their breed name really is just Pointer) and one pomeranian/sheltie mix. Her name is Gidget, and she runs the house. She's 12 years old. I've had her since she was 4 months old, and she was my first dog I showed in 4H. She's incredibly smart and I took her through 6A obedience and three years of agility. My Pointers are all show dogs, but do "work" also. They are trained to hunt birds in the field. Some are therapy dogs, some are trained for obedience, and some even do agility. I have 3 show champions and 1 who has a hunting title (one of my dogs has even been to the Westminster dog show!). I don't just show my dogs! I am a professional handler also. That means I show other people's dogs in conformation (which is almost like showmanship).

I look forward to meeting all of you and having a GREAT 4H season! If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to e-mail me. ( I will get back to you as quickly as possible! I can't wait to see everyone! Good luck, and hug your dogs!

Mary Myers

Mary and Maverick

Mary is currently going through the process to become a registered 4-H Volunteer Leader and will be joining us at our regular meetings in May.