

Waggers Dog Club News for Sept 2010


As I feared... it IS Labor Day weekend and many will be out of town, so I am proposing that we change the date of the WRAP-UP DOG MEETING FOR WARREN WAGGERS DOG CLUB
TO Sunday September 19th at 2:00 PM at POST ROAD PARK Picnic Shelter.

Next Saturday, September 11th, is the IN State 4-H Dog Committee Meeting where leaders and anyone else interested will attend to wrap up the year, make comments about what did and did not go well, suggest improvements, etc.

So IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE ME TO BRING TO THE COMMITTEE PLEASE LET ME KNOW. It is best to put it in writing, but there is no comment either positive or negative that is not taken into account and every suggestion helps us try to make the 4H Dog project better.

Waggers Dog Club News for Sept 2010

Dog Advisory Committee Meeting

DATE: Saturday September 11, 2010

Time: 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Type: Meeting

Location: Indiana State Fairgrounds

, Meeting location is the Normandy Barn on the north side of the fairgrounds.

Showmanship & Agility Clinic - Jackson County

DATE: Sunday Sept. 12, 2010

Time: 11:30 - 5:30 pm

Location: Jackson County Fairgrounds, Brownstown, Indiana

I have attached the pdf flyer for this (click here). It is going to be especially good for teaching teeter totter and some intermediate skills, so I am really looking forward to going. IF you want to go, please note that it asks you to email or call to preregister.

And HERE is something that I think would really be fun to go watch as a group outing! If you've never seen it before, it's fun to check it out!

DOG Flyball Coming to The Indiana State Fairgrounds


NAFA® Flyball Tournament Seeks Record as World‘s Largest

A new world record, “Largest Flyball Tournament,” will be attempted at the Indiana State Fairgrounds on Saturday, October 9, 2010, during the 2nd annual NAFA® CanAm Classic Flyball Tournament.

NAFA®, the North American Flyball Association, is hosting the international tournament and hoping to set a Guinness World Record™. (

“’Largest Flyball Tournament’ is a new category established by Guinness World Records™ specifically for this event,” says Lee Heighton, NAFA® Executive Director. “In order to set the record, we will need at least 500 dogs to participate.”

“Last year’s inaugural CanAm Classic was attended by 123 teams that competed in a four ring tournament layout” added Leerie Jenkins, Chairman of the NAFA® Board of Directors. “This year we will have six rings spread over four acres indoors. Teams will be traveling to Indianapolis from across the United Sates and Canada. We are looking forward to having the ultimate authority on record-breaking achievement recognize both our sport, and the enthusiasm of the dogs and people who play it.”

The NAFA® CanAm Classic takes place at the Indiana State Fairgrounds October 8 through October 10, 2010. For more information, visit

Also check out

Wolf Park

information at

(PLEASE check your calendars and submit times to Ellen as to when you'd like to go as a group)

Howl Nights Location: Bleachers, main pack enclosure Time: 7:30 pm

May 1 - November 30: Fridays and Saturdays

December 1 - April 30: Saturdays Only Duration: 1.5 hours

Visit Wolf Park in the evening, and see our animals in a whole new light. As the night falls and the air cools, the wolves get frisky. Guests will have an opportunity to hear a more in-depth discussion of the wolf's "trademark" behavior -- the howl. They will have front row seats to a sing-along as Wolf Park's expert wolf handlers enter the enclosure and interact with the main pack of wolves. Guests will be encouraged several times during the performance to howl, and will be able to see and hear our wolves return the call.

No flash photography, please, as it can startle or upset the wolves. There will be lights on in the enclosure. Generally the wolves come right up to the fence and can be seen clearly. In cold or inclement weather, a building with floor-to-ceiling windows is available, with sound from the enclosure piped in through a speaker.