

Butterflies Be Gone! Showing At Your Best

I realize that many of you kids may be starting to get "butterflies in your stomach" from becoming a bit nervous as you may be fast approaching your first ever county fair dog show. So I am going all-out as your helpful "leader of the pack/ care-taking mama dog" to get you as prepared as I know how.

There is a whole lot of "head knowledge" to know, but none of it is near as important as all the things I KNOW that you already KNOW!!! YOU and YOUR DOG are a TEAM. TOGETHER you two will do great! There will be things that are new to both of you, but you do NOT have to get worried. I feel very confident in saying that there is absolutely nothing that is going to happen on show day that is unsafe and that you two are not going to be able to handle because of everything we have already worked on at all of our practices. Remember, even if something unexpected does happen, it's just "different", NOT "bad". Just take a deep breath and use that brain of yours with a positive attitude. I guarantee you THAT will go further than getting all worried about what you think isn't going perfect.

LOOK for the good... and that's what you'll get. Remind your pooch partner to LOOK at you, and then, you smile and praise him or her when they do. Isn't that already making things go a LOT better?

Here are some helpful little sayings for you:
"if your knuckles are white, you're holding the leash too tight"
"there is no rule against smiling"
"positive praise gets positive results, positively"
"you get the behavior that you train for"
"which end of the leash is in control?"
"pay attention to your dog, and the judge; the rest of the world will take care of itself"
"No saying 'no'; or else it will cost you 10 cents"

To help you feel a bit more comfortable if you are showing in showmanship... here are some showmanship videos you can watch.

I suggest you go to this website and click on the breed which is closest to your dog's type to see how it is shown in the Westminster Kennel Club Breed Judging Shows. This will give you some real life idea of how dogs are shown. It is also a good idea to notice what you think the different dog handlers are doing that are good at showing off the dog and what things might be distracting from the dog showing at its best.

You know what makes your dog partner show his/her best. Number one, is having fun. Just know what kind of things to expect. Prepare mentally before you even enter the show ring. Watch the other exhibitors and see how things are done. You know what to do. So then all you have to do is just do your best and have a 'Good Show'!