

Successful County Fair Show


It was great to see such a good result from those who came to the Marion County Fair 4-H Dog Show. I was extremely proud of all of you. I know that the low pressure weather bothered a few dogs behaviors, but you trainers (yes, that's you) handled it like pros. It's just the way it is and you deal with what you are given.

It was sad that a couple members of our club did not come to the county show, but those of you that came shone like the stars that I know you are!!

It was absolutely button-popping to know that each and every one of you took the Top Dog Test knowing that if you don't at least try, you can't place. And, a few of you received honors because of it. ALL of you received your tests back, so learned from the experience, right?

Because, I was in charge of running the Agility portion of the show in another building, I didn't get to witness your prowess in the obedience and showmanship rings. However, I can testify to your outstanding handling in the agility setting. All of you demonstrated exactly what we worked on all year. Even when a challenge came up for your particular dog.

The other exciting thing about the 2010 year in particular was the addition of the TROPHIES. Yes, some of your parents, other clubs, and our club contributed to be able to purchase those for the winners. They were beautiful and I believe gratefully accepted by the winners. IF you were one of those who received one of those AND it had an attached envelope with the sponsors address on it PLEASE be sure to send a thank you letting them know how much that trophy means to you. Maybe you could tell them about how special that day was to you and a little about your dog.

A special thanks to Mr. Miller who helped transport the agility equipment. Those who helped set up and take down. Leader Mrs. Miller for staying with the Obedience building show, and Leader Christi who I didn't get to see but in passing, but I am sure was helping facilitate those of you getting to your classes at the appointed times.

It all gets a bit chaotic on a show day, but if we all work together, it will get done and there is ALWAYS room for suggestions for improvement.

Here are a few photos that I managed to get... I am still hoping to get some more from parents.

Above from Left to Right:
Mackenzie C. and Oscar; Melissa M. and Macy; Jennifer B. and Carlisle; and Kiersten T. and Pedey.

If the rest of you will send in photos, I would love to post them as well.