

Township Show On July 1st

Our own Warren Township Dog Show was held on Thursday July 1st, 2010.
There was a nice crowd of parents and friends in attendance.
We began with showmanship competition being judged by Christine Weger's mother who has experience in judging showmanship and was able to do so without any bias whatsoever. The club treasury did award her a modest Target gift certificate for her efforts.

Leader Christine Weger was excellent at helping to register and keep record of scoresheets as the shows progressed. Thanks Christi!!

Leader Michelle Spencer judged the dog obedience classes. Then we finished up with Leader Ellen Spencer judging the agility competitions. Because we held all the competitions in one night, the show went quite late. A very special "Thank You" goes out to those parents who stayed a little longer to help clean up afterwards.

And to ALL who attended, thank you for making this a special occasion for all the kids. It means a lot to have you hear to witness them putting their skills to the test. Those of you who contributed food and funds for the sake of the club helped to make this a great event : 0 )