

Getting Ducks in a Row for Club

As we are diving into a new year of Waggers 4-H Dog Club training classes there are some important items to take note of to make sure we have "all our ducks in a row" so that we can spend our time on actually training and not problem solving paperwork and those types of requirements.

Most important as far as paperwork goes:

Register with Marion County 4-H
Go to and the second link on the top right is called "Enroll Here"
Click that and complete the registration process.
Until you have COMPLETED this process, you are not seen as enrolled in 4-H, so not in the club.
Therefore, once you have completed the online registration, PRINT OFF A COPY to bring to club with you.
The county extension office will not have you on their list until the payment is made and therefore this step is important!
If you are not registered in Marion County 4-H, you aren't in the club, and can't practice because of insurance.
So PLEASE go there NOW... and get that done, okay?!

BRING Proof of Vaccinations:
The other mandatory piece of paperwork for clubwork is proof of vaccinations.
Absolutely NO DOG can attend class without proof of current vaccinations!
Most of you still have an active 4-Hvet form from last year, but EVERYONE will have to fill out the current year vet form and bring it to club asap. We have additional 2012 forms available at

IF YOU DON'T HAVE THESE PROOFS YET, OR ARE ONLY VISITING TO SEE IF YOU WANT TO JOIN, DO NOT BRING YOUR DOG. You can learn even without a dog, but DO CHECK-in when you come, okay?
We welcome visitors and want to help you learn what 4-H Dog Club is about, and there is no better way than coming and seeing for yourself. One visit and I believe you will be convinced that it is an excellent program U*-*U

CLUB NOTES: Ms. Kathy Corbett (above) is a new 4-H Volunteer with the club this year (you remember she came last year to watch Miss Daisy last year). SHE is going to be our Club Secretary and so during club paperwork stuff gets handled with her . . . hurray!!

Our leader/volunteers for 2012
Ellen Spencer
Michelle Spencer
Brenda Miller
Teresa Lamb
Kathy Cornett
AND Jr. Leader, Melissa Miller

If you have any questions, just ask any of us. You can even call me or send an email BEFORE we hold club, so that we can use club time for practice time and not so much paperwork.

BECAUSE THE COUNTY FAIR IS SO CLOSE (June 30th) have your Dog Bucket/Bag stocked and ready to get to practicing. See you all on Thursday at the Expo Hall on the Marion County Fairgrounds at 6:30 pm.

We really look forward to seeing you Thursday! See you then.