

LOOK and Learn

Hello Waggers!  Last week we had a very good practice with most everyone making it to the club time practice. Mrs. Lamb and I both evaluated you and your dog on your new level of obedience at the current time while realizing that some tasks are not yet learned. I was fum to watch the cobwebs get dusted out of the minds of both the clubber AND the dog : )

Wasn't it wonderful to have Mr. and Mrs. Barlow join us for dog equipment time? Sue Barlow said that she would like to do a combined clinic event in July. We just need one of the parents to take the handles on actually putting the details together. We will have the use of the expo hall, so just need to set up date and details so that we can produce flyers and start to advertise. :)  I could concentrate on the agility and Sue could give the pointers on the Showmanship and Marion County Dog Club could really rock at the State Fair!

Homework from April 19 class:
"Look" THE NO.1 command!!! Remember, if they don't look at you, they aren't listening to you.
Also, if you don't TALK to tell them WHAT to do, how will they know?  EVERYBODY ---- TALK to your dog.

Practice the "Bridal Step" Heal practice and working toward reliable straight sits.

A couple people in the class need to energize the lagging dogs with some sudden runs while healing.

Off-lead healers --- stay on leash with your dog, but work toward resting the lead on your shoulder rather than hand. Working toward reliable heal position. FIND THEIR GATE and really praise them for staying in the sweet spot!!

We will be taking names for club officers-- Pres. ; Vice-Pres; sec. ; treas.; hospitality; and facility officers.
We will be measuring dogs that haven't given their height measurement yet.
We will be reviewing group healing, down your dog.  then going into stand for exam and figure 8 practice.

Mrs. Lamb will be starting showmanship training.
Ellen will then be able to take the individual issues on while showmanship training going on.

There is a FUN MATCH at Shelbyville on Saturday May 5th, I want to encourage anyone that can, to go.  I will have the flyer at club and even try to post it here before club.

Anyone who wants to compete at that even be SURE to let me know so that we can polish up specific skills!

We will be starting to bring up conditioning of your animals for agility. I will bring the tunnels and jumps.

See you at club : )